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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Paradise on Earth

Hello Friends,
I am Karunesh.I am no Tours n Travels operator and neither  do I create this blog with any intentions of advertising,but the only reason why I choose to write on the beautiful state of Kerala is that I am totally engulfed by its enchanting culture and mesmerising beauty.
Kerala - literally and genuinely "A Paradise on Earth" has it all - serene beaches,sprawling backwaters,misty hills,spice plantations,dense jungles,historic monuments,spectacular classical and folk arts,energy rejuvinating spas,exotic culinary delights,etc are some of it splendid attractions.
However what Kerala has caught the world's attention for is not just its stunning natural beauty.It is also for the magnificent progress it has made in improving the quality of people living there.As a model state it is India's best in human development indices like public literacy,life expectancy,population control,etc and compares well in these with some of the richest countries in the world.
A state which has succeeded in nearly eradicating absolute poverty,it has also the best record in bridging the gulf  between genders or the urban and rural gap in social and economic advancement.
Paradoxically,Kerala has achieved all this even while keeping low levels of industrial development or economic growth.No wonder Kerala is often dubbed as a "Country within a Country"...

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